The Project components are located in the Kullu district of the state of Himachal Pradesh with Dam & Power House near the Malana Village. The project utilizes the fall of head in the River course, of about 600 meters between the Dam & Power House.
The main components of the project
- 158 M long & 53 m high Concrete Gravity Dam with two spillways located about 3 Km upstream of the Malana Village.
- 4.9 Km long Head Race Tunnel of 2.95 M finished diameter (D- shape) with design discharge of 20 cumecs passing through left bank of Malana nalah.
- 87 M high Surge Shaft of 6 M diameter located after Head Race Tunnel.
- 1 Nos. about 824 M long Pressure Shafts of 2.5 M diameter of which 564 m Vertical and 260 m Horizontal.
- Underground Power House of 67.5 M x 21 M x 31 M for housing 2 units of 50 MW each vertical axis Pelton turbines.
- 415 M long D-shaped Tail Race/Cable Tunnel of 6.5 M x 6.0 M size.
- 18 Km long 132 kV Double Circuit line from project to step up substation at Chhaur.
- 132 / 220 kV step up substation located at Chhaur village for LILO of 220 kV ADHPL – Nalagarh line.
Prject Layout